Recently I came across news of a huge floating island of plastic trash the size of Manhattan. This shocking news was followed by having to endure endless images and information of various animals suffering pain, indignity, and death because of our addiction to plastic, combined with our inability to learn to avoid plastic and use hemp products instead. But wait just one moment, plastic is a derivative of fossil fuel. Therefore, there is no way we can ever escape the plastic curse since we will never escape the petrol curse.
You may have heard that plastic has found its way into our food chain at molecular levels. There is no way out. ” Eat your plastic, Sonny boy.” While thinking about eating my plastic, the comment in an article I recently read clicked in my mind since it stated that animals and plants do not create any non-biodegradable waste, ever.
Only humans create and generate nonbiodegradable waste. Only humans produce garbage. Floating islands of garbage will take hundreds of thousands of years to degrade. Therefore, for millions of years, this gorgeous planet has existed, created life, endured death, and created more life without leaving any garbage behind. The term ” footprint”, referring to the damage left behind or debris, only applies to human beings, you and me. We live and die, leaving an endless voyage of destruction at our path. We soil and destroy everything we touch. I am not being harsh. I am being honest. We must look in the mirror of humankind and see ourselves as we really are.
Now credible scientists insist that our time is up. Ten years and we are dust. Probably nuclear dust. My question is, could it be that our different-than-everything-else programming could be caused by the fact that we are aliens? Parasitic aliens, incapable of existing without destroying and consuming our host? This sounds about right to me. Think about it. This makes all the sense in the world.
Today is a big deal because it marks 02/02/2020. Remember it as the day we finally found the aliens on Earth: us!
Debi Willis · November 17, 2021 at 10:56 AM
ONLY humans MAKE TRASH!! Humans don’t deserve any more time here.
Mercedes Jenouri · November 17, 2021 at 12:53 PM
Could this be why some people are desperate to find other planet hosts? We are invasive and parasitic. Sadly.