A clock spiraling into itself

Humanity has been intrigued by the possibility of time travel since the beginning of recorded ourstory. We seem to view the possibilities as traveling within time inside our minds and/or traveling physically to another time in spacetime.

Join the club, we’d like another opportunity fix things, avoid dangers, save someone we love or just explore. I’m of the explorer type. What did Cleopatra’s voice sound like? Did she really speak thirteen languages? Where is her tomb? Was she ever really happy? Would she do it all again?

Meeting Joan of Arc and the villains that burned her alive would be an interesting encounter. They’d probably kill me too, my big mouth and all.

Jules Verne, Nostradamus, Newton! Were they time travelers? Somehow, they must have been. How else?

Above all these “wants” I find that I would trade my life to be a cognizant element on the Webb Telescope. The ultimate adventure. How weird is that? As I watched the Webb Telescope launch I felt that pull to want go with it. Be there and really see and feel what it see’s and feels. I’ll unravel that ‘want’ at some other time. In the mean time it’s important that we learn the ” Telescopes essentially function as time machines because it takes time for light to travel throughout space. This mean that when Webb studies light from the most distant galaxies in the cosmos, the telescope is actually observing how the universe was billions of years ago.” NBC News.

These are awesome times to be alive. Just find the spot that makes you vibrate with like and understanding. Thank you for reading.

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Categories: Awesome Stuff


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