Why Democrats Don’t Vote.

While holding the majority of registered voters, Democrats live with the disappointment of a vast majority of voters who do not exercise their right to decide who is in charge of our government, our monies, our lives, and everything in between. It’s a constant complaint of the sector of voting Democrats, and it should be. This pattern has eroded the core of the democratic ideal we so cherish, leaving us in a Fascist state tittering on dictatorship. 

It’s possible and probable that the 2024 election will be our last one. 

Create an imaginary game board in your mind and place pieces on each side. 

~Blue for Democrats. One piece per State.

~Red for Republicans. One piece per State.

~Five red Supreme Court pieces.

~Three blue Supreme Court pieces. 

~One blue piece for the presidency.

 ~One red piece for Congress. 

~One blue piece for the Senate. 

~One blue piece for Special Council. 

~One red piece for the Dept. of Justice.

~Black pieces for federal court judges. Unknown number. 

~Gray pieces for District Attorneys and their Assistants. 

~Secret number of pieces for corporate Lobby’s.

~Secret number of pieces for organized religion. 

~10 Yellow pieces for election Spoilers like Sanders, Manchin, etc. 

~1000 pieces for the Electoral Collage. 

~1000 pieces for free Media Coverage. 

~1000 pieces for Independent voters. 

Every factor that plays out during this election, if contested, comes to rest at the feet of the Electoral College and the Supreme Court, which are openly biased and in ‘bed’ so to speak with the Republican Agenda. 

If you think this scenario through, you’ll note that the unknowns and the Republican Agenda outweigh the Democratic Agenda by far unless the members of the Democratic Party vote in masse.

The question that begs to be asked is, why don’t Democrats vote? A brief dossier of the Republican voters: Rich Oligarchs, Religious Right, Foreign interests, Corporate Lobbies, and a mass of mind-controlled, armed citizens you all call “Magas.”  

Then, we have the Democratic Party voters: poorer, in debt, better educated, tired, struggling. Larger in numbers, smaller in spirit. The aggravating element that impedes Democrats from stomping and winning every election is their sheer self-loathing combined with an inexplicable self-righteousness. Democrats like to eat their own. As disgusting as it sounds, search throughout its past festivities, and you’ll find sample DNA of political murders. This ravenous appetite makes the non-ravenous Democrats want to distance themselves from the herd of piranhas. They tune out, they stay home, and they turn their backs on their interests, hoping to avoid contamination with the herd of self-righteous, chest-thumping Piranhas Democrats. These people, non-voters,  own the next election, and it doesn’t look good.  

How do we teach piranhas to stop biting? No idea. 

Thank you for reading. 

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