About Language:
Words free or imprison us, depending on the use we give them. Put plainly, unless you wise up, it’s a double-bladed weapon. This argument has many sides, but the most important aspect is that words are made into sounds to identify something, anything. The designated sound and the association with this sound are used as a communication device.
Red is a color. We were taught to identify colors as children. Now I write the word ‘red,’ and the image of color enters your consciousness. Nothing red has happened in reality. We communicate; we don’t conjure. There is a great difference between communicating something we choose to and deciding that the object of our imagination exists in three-dimensional reality.
This mixup has caused catastrophic damage and evolutionary delays to homo-sapiens. All species on earth suffer the consequences.
Humans have stopped using logic to analyze their surroundings and have instead embraced that which does not pass the reality test as true and real. It may be a hereditary instinct that ignites an allure toward the unknown. Using this unknown as fact and a crutch to subside fear has been our downfall as a species and a society.
When religious zealots condemn you to hell, they speak of their desire to do you harm through fear. Hell is just a word, followed by many words that set terms and conditions offering their word creation of hell. There is no real place called hell; the person or persons offering to send you there have no power over you beyond talking and writing.
If you or we sign up to accept such words as reality, you have relinquished our freedom, as big or small as it may be, to a sound. Quoting Shakespeare: “Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
The remedy? Just ask yourself, each and every time, is this real? Your enemy yelled at you, “Drop dead.” You walked away. Maybe a bit hurt since words do convey emotion, but realize, once and for all, that you survived the idiocy of the offender. Suppose this same person pulls out a gun. That is real. Your life is being threatened. Defend yourself.
Start studying the language that is used to control you. Disassociate yourself from the manipulators. Governments, religion, and any pocket of power are in a quest to own you. Do not let them.
Love, hate, god, fiend, heaven, paradise, terrorist, enemy. If these words come with instructions attached, you are being used by fear that is not real. Think, grasp what is happening, reach new and better conclusions then walk away. Live your life like you own it, which you do unless you walk into the trap of words and the gibberish you have been fed since your inception. Happy living.
Thank you for reading.
temp mail · November 4, 2024 at 6:20 AM
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Mercedes Jenouri · November 6, 2024 at 9:49 AM
Thank you! You feel my tension, which is interesting. Write to me again, please.