Rest in peace to all the 2,996 Americans who lost their lives during the Twin Tower attack.
Rest in peace the 48,664 Afghans and 1,690,903 Iraqis and 35,000 Pakistanis who paid the PRICE for the CRIME they did not commit.
An illegal war called and implemented with the purpose of servicing a specific group of war profiteers. The most known war profiteer that gained plenty during the Iraq war was Halliburton, an American corporations who walked away with a $39.5 Billion worth of federal defense contracts.
We all know who the players were and still are. All these lives ruined so that war profiteers could make a killing, by killing innocents. Now the game is back on to repeat this crime. This time against Iran.
This scheme had worked like a charm with Bush and Cheney and the rest of the war machinery. They secured billions of dollars in their pockets after one of the biggest heist in history.
Now, once again, history attempts to repeat itself with Donald Trump and his Russian Mafia setting the war game in motion to repeat this crime against humanity against Iran. We must, as a society, identify and acknowledge the crimes which are committed in our name. There are many and for them we shall sooner or later pay.
Jo An Porrine · January 14, 2020 at 10:32 PM
Such heartbreaking facts. Good old Chaney and Halliburton. How do these people live with themselves?
Jo An Porrine · January 14, 2020 at 10:35 PM
Such heartbreaking facts. Good old Chaney and Halliburton. How do these people live with themselves?