Everything about the link enclosed is relevant. Source: Mashable /
According to Feeding America, 1 in 7 people in the US face hunger every year. The rates of hunger in children are even higher with about 1 in 5 lacking proper access to food at some point during the year.
Clay Dunn, Chief Communications Officer at non profit No Kid Hungry, says “What most people don’t realize is that there is an epidemic of hunger right here.” It’s also called food insecurity and it’s a metric tracked by the US Department of Agriculture to pinpoint how many households struggle during the year to provide food for their families.
An estimated 48.8 MM Americans, including 16,2 million children, live in households that lack the means to get enough nutritious foods on a regular basis. As a result 1 in 5 children go hungry at some point during the year. Children facing hunger are twice as likely to repeat a grade in elementary school.
I urge you to read the entire article in the link above. What made me look into this subject was the ton of “feel good” articles we are being fed by the general news media about how children are engaging in collecting money to pay for lunch food for other children who cannot pay and therefore go hungry. What is going on America? Children fighting the gun lobby’s, children fighting against the climate catastrophe and even more children trying to feed starving classmates. When did adults leave the planet? I urge you to come to grips with this reality of starving children and do something ,

1 Comment
Rose Marlene Simpkins · September 16, 2020 at 1:44 PM
I know some who believe it’s wrong for children to get free lunches at school. For some kids, this is the only meal they will eat that day. I believe no child should have to pay for food.