Demagoguery and propaganda are Siamese twins that cannot exist without each other. The political demagogue tells you the lies that he/she knows you want to hear knowing full well that these promises will never be fulfilled . Demagogues survive by their innate talent to figure out what you want, or need the most, and deceiving you into thinking that he cares, You believe him that he/she will deliver on his/her promises. In order for demagogues to succeed they urgently need their lies, as promises, to be spread to anyone willing to listen. The life and success of the demagogue rides on their collaboration with propaganda. Spread the message to the masses. This unholy combination gives the masses (us) the illusion of choice. Last time I checked there are 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 tv stations and 2,400 publishers. These are owned by 6 Corporations and 272 Executives. They control 90% of what 277 Million Americans hear and see.

Thanks to Reagan the media has been free and unregulated and open to the messages from the demagogue, foreign and domestic. This is how we got to the present state of American Fascism.

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Categories: Politics


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