A drive down memory lane, a too brief recap, if we may. The Bill Clinton years, as I recall them, were happy and prosperous.

I also recall how I read everywhere that we got “two for the price of one” introducing me to the existence of Hillary Clinton. She was the first to utter “Universal Healthcare” and took a beating for it. More about Hillary some other time.

I also read a lot about Al Gore’s warning about global warning and the environment. He opened my mind to this subject. We were ready for Al to become president and along came the intern with the blue dress, helped by the Bush brother in Florida and the painful undecided Ohio. This fascist plan worked like a charm. Out went reason, in came the idiocy and criminal intent of George W. Bush.

Words fail to describe the hell of Blackwater mercenaries created all over the world.

Condolezza Rice lying, under oath, before Congress about knowing about Bin Ladin and his intent to destroy us.

Dick Cheney, hidden behind our flag, and his plan to overtake oil worldwide. Down went the the Twin Towers. In came the Patriot Act, allowing the government to intrude into our privacy. Any excuse to invoke National Security and invade your life, take your assets and just make you be gone is seen as acceptable!

The Fascist State of America continued to build its effort, very successfully. The Oligarch’s long term plan was falling into place by any means possible.

Bush got himself reelected, in spite of being hated by the American people, by creating an illegal war, invading Iraq and pillaging them into nothingness. All in the name of the good old USA.

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