Here are the facts. 3/20/2016 Senator from Vermont and Presidential candidate for the 2016 presidential campaign Bernard Sanders, threatens to instruct his followers to no follow Hillary Clinton if she wins the nomination for President of the United States.
She won the nomination and true to his threat Sanders followers voted third party and/or Republican Party. Look at the numbers above. This tells the entire story to deceit and treason.
Yesterday, 10/18/2019, private citizen Hillary Clinton made a statement where she clearly states that a woman is being groomed as yet another Russian asset. That Russians are preparing another candidate to run as a Third Party to repeat the 2016 coup performance. The word coup is my addition, not hers. The above text offers her exact words. Nowhere did she provide a name for this other person.
Well, as we all know by now, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Alaska outed herself. This plays like a Greek tragedy. She identified herself as the person Mrs. Clinton is referring to . I can hardly wait for the next chapter.