We face a true trial of our collective will this upcoming November election. We the people, of all walks of life, all colors, all creeds, ages, sexes and so forth will be joining in a mass election unlike the United States of America has never seen.
The current illegitimate President, attempts, by all means possible, to cancel, derail, control or buy this upcoming election. If he loses, and he will, the entire Nazi Republican Part will face a Tribunal similar to those of Nazi Germany.
We are focused, we are organized and we are smart. We intend to end police brutality. Defend our civil rights. Recover the control of our federal funds. Feed the hungry. Tax the rich. Control the Pandemic and grow a heart. And much more. The environment must be first and foremost in our agenda since our beloved planet is burning to ground right before our eyes,.
We will not stop until this agenda is fulfilled.