I have stories and worries floating around my mind. The conservation of our planet Earth and the ethical treatment of all living creatures, animal or others, carries a daunting weight on my mind. On occasion pictures can tell most of the desired message. This is one of those times.
In the case of the image above, all of living nature is being converted into money, an asset, a commodity. If any thought of consequences was involved, the outcome shows that the analysis was faulty at best, or hypocritical at worse.
We all like money, but not at any expense. Ethics must enter the equation of how we live and think. We need to stop and learn about where do products that we purchase come from. If you take the time to search the origin of each product you’ll find that the answers will make you sad. On a happy note, learning to open our eyes and introspect about all of the events surrounding us will make for a more peaceful and meaningful existence.