This is an exercise that only takes a moment and puts a lot of perspective on you plate.
“I don’t think people fully understand how much 1 billion is. If your salary was $100,000, with no tax, it would take you 10 years to become a millionaire, but 10,000 years to reach a billion. It is unethical for one person to be hoarding this much money when others cannot eat.” Lota
I had no idea how much a billion dollars is until put into this context.
Again, 100,000 k annual income would take 10,000 years to reach a billion. No words. Do your own math. Divide 1,000,000,000 by 100,000 = 10,000 therefore, It would take a person earning $100,000, tax exempt, ten thousand years to spend it or earn it, whichever end you want to look from.