The upcoming November, 2020 election could be the last one we ever have. That is the Republican/Nazi plan, unless we turn out in masses large enough to overcome the hack they have planned.
We were ignorant of the events unfolding during the 2016 Presidential election. Candidate Hillary Clinton warned us but we could not grasp what she meant. If you haven’t lived through a coup d’etat, you stand there wondering what in going on. Now we know and there are no excuses for allowing the Russian Asset a second term. In order to survive, I mean not die from Coronavirus and other goodies the Oligarch’s have planned for us, we must ” crawl over broken glass” and cast your vote. So get ready with your bag with water, little folding chair, your pills, tissue, whatever you need to stay put until you cast your vote. Each vote counts. Do not allow the Electoral College aka as the Oligarchs to pick our next President. Power to the People Right Now.