You have been indoctrinated, manipulated and bullied into believing that we cannot afford the basic needs of a civilized society. The chart above is a bit outdated so the big blue segment designated to military spending is now larger. The entire pie you are looking at is our money that we put into a pot for the benefit of all of society. Throughout time politicians have made themselves entitled to our money and use it, misuse it, give it away and steal it at their hearts content. We are the fools left standing with no place to sit. I read recently that ” if you do not have a place at the table, you are most likely the menu.” The truth of this comment rattles through me and shakes me to my very core. We have been indoctrinated into thinking and believing that we cannot afford healthcare, education or anything for that matter. In the mean time, special interest people, wisely placed in power, invent wars in the name of democracy when all they are after is plundering and stealing from other countries while soldiers die or are harmed. We have been made fools of and it’s time to wake up and do something. The government must become accountable for its deeds and misdeeds. You need to sit back, as I did, and give the big picture a long, hard look. Again, the total amount of money in the chart above is our money. No one is doing us any favors. Insult over injury is how people’s work is diminished to a controlled minimum wage when the CEO’s do not have a cap on their earnings. It is such a big deal to throw pennies at people who cannot make a living wage. Corruption and special interests are eating us alive and it’s time to demand a serious and complete change of how government has been handling our lives. I, for one, am sick and tired of the lies and the stealing and the acting as if they are doing me a big favor. It is our money. Demand change. Demand accountability.