“They told the kids they were being showered and that they would be brought back to their families. They promised the moms the same. The moms promised their kids they were fine. The kids never returned and were never seen again.”
1939 Germany?
This is Texas, 2018
As we have since learned, these children, thousands upon thousands, remain in concentration camps. The guards the state has chose to take care of them have no background checks leaving the door open for every pedophile in town to do use and abuse these children. We also know that many of these children have been sold in adoption for $50,000 her child. Illegal adoptions but happening nevertheless. We are also aware that the facilities that house these children are paid $750.00 per day and they are not obligated to provide basic food and soap and toothpaste, basics.. So, we now condone concentration camps in the USA. Remember the poem how they first came for other and then they came for you.!!!