We have been becoming anti-abuse while our government has become anti- citizens.
There is a long list of offenses that our government and the ruling Oligarchy have inflicted upon us: Children in concentration camps. Unattended pandemic. Lack of equal rights. Lack of equal pay. American children suffering hunger and deprivation. Reproductive rights interference. Repeated theft of our Social Security Fund. Illegal and unwarranted wars. Violation of veterans rights. Deregulation of what needs to be regulated such as media, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, FDIC, etc. By allowing cancer provoking Monsanto and Nestle to interfere and control our food chain.
The criminal and unthinkable evil hand of our government against its own people is so long that weeks would be needed to list them in greater detail.
We urge you to demand fair and true representation for our taxation. Demand the full return to the rule of law and transparency in government. You know this is not an exaggeration on our behalf, but a call for action.