A couple of weeks ago I blogged about the American Concentration Camps and the source of revenue they have become for special interest groups. To my surprise, the response was overwhelming for this baby blog and the comments were interesting. Some people took offense with the use of words “concentration camps” because the people in Germany “were citizens”. I kid you not, it was shocking but that’s the world we live in. A few comments demanded proof like location. While a few accused me of making the story from fiction in my imagination. The good news is that the vast majority expressed concern and desire to do something.
The picture of Melania shows her wearing a jacket, specially made to express the lack of feelings and concern, right before and during a visit to one of the concentration camps. What kind of woman does such a thing? Maybe a Russian spy?
Jo An Porrine · December 25, 2019 at 5:36 AM
Interesting question. Why would she be so insensitive unless she really doesn’t care.
Alise B. · January 2, 2020 at 3:14 PM
Surely someone on her staff would have realized the heartlessness, or at least, irony, of this message before she wore the jacket, and strongly suggested she not. Don’t we the people pay for someone to advise the FLOTUS in a certain amount of diplomacy? Perhaps Melania doesn’t comprehend English well, or it was entirely intentional. I’m guessing intentional.
Dave · March 30, 2020 at 2:41 AM
The persons placed in concentration camp were there because the Nazis declared them to be “Non Citizens”.
Mina Donato · May 6, 2020 at 3:22 PM
No. They declared them to be LESS. God will wake every last demon up and show them for what they are…..DEMONS. THIS IS the Holy war. GUESS whos gonna win!!!!
Gwen Weate · April 6, 2020 at 7:15 AM
I believe it was Melania’s chance to point out that she wouldn’t be going to the border if she didn’t care. She has expressed before in interviews that she is one of the most victimized people in the world. Her husband does this all the time by playing aggressor and victim with the press. It’s a ploy to gain sympathy and show how much she really does which is really very little.
Candice Bradley · April 10, 2020 at 12:39 AM
People who argue that the Jews in concentration camps were citizens are wrong. Hitler’s regime stripped all Jews under the Reich of citizenship. They were stateless.
Nevertheless, there is never an excuse for treating our fellow humans poorly. The US, my home, is guilty of crimes against humanity. As an American and daughter of a Holocaust survivor, I’m appalled.
Betty Witte · May 2, 2020 at 7:48 PM
There is not a more despicable couple walking on the face of this earth! These children did nothing to anyone! What if it was their child?? Scratch that neither one has a heart or soul nothing but money matters to these Pigs!!!!