As a stock broker myself I can tell you that Bloomberg has created a business beyond reproach. Armed with 64 billion dollars and his 78 years of experience he has set out to change and maybe save our country. I have no idea if he will win the nomination or not but I respect him for putting himself out there. If I had 64 billion dollars I’d be hanging out without a worry to my name. Instead he has chosen to to work and fight and do something of value with his time and assets. His problems with women and non disclosure agreements is bad. The fact that he will not release his taxes “because they are too complicated for us” fools to understand is bad. But, in my humble opinion he brings value to the presidential campaign. My hope is that Amy and Elizabeth will move into the Oval. They are better candidates. But, if they do not make the cut, I can live with Bloomberg and trust me I am not easy to please.