New numbers for the money making immigration child concentration camps scheme. That is a long sentence packed with the horror and ruin of children’s lives brought to the good old USA seeking a better life, only to be grabbed, separated from their family and thrown into a dark pit, Each child is a source of wealth for some sadist with a contract and no heart. / The new headcount is 100,000 children in “detention camps” aka concentration camps. According to Barbara Boxer each child is worth $775.00 per day for concentration camp housing. So our home grown government fascist and those holding the contracts for this atrocity are making a killing. Let’s do the math. / $775.00 per day / 100,000 in custody equals $77,500,000 per day , multiplied by 365 days in a year equals $ 28,287,500,000 per year. In summary, that’s $77.5 MM per day and $28.3 Billion per year. / These children are denied proper food, basic necessities such as tooth paste, soap sanitary napkins, medical assistance. Some of the kids are moved to private adoption agencies and sold @ $50,000 per child, When this ordeal started I’d ask myself what in the world would they want these brown children for since they are white supremacist fascist nationalist . It took me some time to understand the horrors that could await them. Body parts, sex, slavery. / We allow these mutant humans to do this every single day. This went down in Germany and we are at it again. Suffering and violation kept in check while everyone waits and watches. Remember that story about how the first came for the Jews….