Donald J. Trump is trying everything, and then some, to avoid leaving the safety of the White House and the Presidency of the United States. The reasons are many and all very dangerous to his way of life, his very existence. He is out of money, out of friends and with all fingers pointing towards doing time in a federal or state penitentiary.
Asking the College Electorate to vote him back into office, which is lame, illegal and close to impossible is his latest trick. We are closely watching how this unfolds.
The other event he is trying to pull off, for a long time now, is a war with Iran. He his attempting to follow in George W. Bush’s footprint to create an illegal war in the hope that the dogma that Americans never change President in the midst of a war holds true for him. He seems to forget that the 2020 election has taken place already and there is no turning back.
The main problem here is that he will try to pull off this war with Iran. Who will stop him? He has bypassed Congress in the past with no consequences. Trump has gotten away with so much that he may join up with his ally, Israel, and commit yet another act of treason. We wait and then wait some more.