“What a Sucker!”
Donald John Trump, Commander in Chief of the USA military has repeatedly denigrated, insulted and belittled our honorable military. Since he erupted into the political scenario he has consistently stated that Prisoners of War and fallen soldiers are plain and simply losers.
A sane and normal mind can barely comprehend such blasphemy. How can he believe that such statements are in his best political interest? What does he gain by this behavior?
It is fair to question his sanity. Early in his tenure qualified psychiatrist determined that Mr. Trump suffered from Sadistic Narcissism. Both elements were easily viewed in plain sight. The man is a sadist, not only not caring about who lives or dies but by displaying enjoyment is the suffering which he causes upon others. We have also viewed how how being of a narcissistic personality impedes any reality in respect to how he sees himself. Introspection and empathy are non existent.
After observing his statements and behavior during the past four years I can say, with no doubt, that Donald Trump is clinically insane and has no connection to any reality. We are in grave danger He must be stopped.