We are days away from the formal election date: November 03, 2020.
The hopes of “the sane” voters is that our efforts will pay off and override:
the Russian hack,
the Chinese hack,
the Unknown hack,
Ivanka’s voting machines made in China,
the NRA hack,
the overwhelming Republican fascist legislators hack,
the Oligarchs hack,
the lazy hack,
the terrified hack,
the Fox Propaganda hack,
the religious hack,
the Electoral College hack,
the Coronavirus hack,
the Supreme Court hack,
the Billionaire’s club hack
plus the hacks I have overlooked.
The odds are stacked against us like a mountain looking down at little ants. It so happens that these little ants are studious, resilient, intense, on a mission, and will not stop or back down until we get the job done! The job? Cleaning our government from the strangling hand of Fascism guided by our own homegrown American Republican Nazi’s and their leader, the second generation, mobbed up, Donald John Trump. We have a tall order to fulfill and will do so efficiently, diligently and without breaking a sweat. Let’s finish this. The Resistance.