We have all learned about separation of State and Church, the three arms of government and it’s safeguard , the Fourth Power. In theory this is beautiful and solid.
At present date we have a Republican Senate owned and operated by the Oligarchy plus foreign enemies. The Presidency is the result of Russian interference and the press is owned by 6 corporations and the same foreign people.
The Department of Justice, which falls under the arm of the Presidency which is now run by a corrupt and ruthless collaborator to the Mafia-like operation that has taken over our government and our purses is the glue that keeps this operation functioning.
If you ever have any doubt whatsoever about should you or should you not go through the trouble of voting this upcoming November know that to not vote makes you complicit with this operation that will render us their servants, at least those of us that survive. Please , register and vote like your life depends on it because it does.