On this fateful election day, the entire world hold it’s breath, and watches and hopes, along our side that the great evil which attempts to metastasize in our country can be peacefully eradicated.
We seek to re-establish our lost Democracy. We seek to control the Oligarchs, Fascists, Extremist, Nazi’s, Nationalists and all other foreign elements which have infiltrated our government. We seek to feed the poor, release the children and return them to their rightful guardians. We seek to restore and improve all human rights. We seek to acknowledge every minority, event the feminine majority, as equal before the law.
If we fail, I wonder, which of our shores will be our Normandy? Which country will want to come in our defense? Our military machinery has hurt so many, that just maybe, we will be left to our own fate, or Karma, as so many like to say.
The good side of these events is that the mystery will soon be unraveled. Our enemy has shown himself to be formidable. This drama plays out life a Star Wars Saga of good against evil. Never, within my lifetime, have the sides been so defined. How can evil even exist in the face of beauty and love and community. Well, it somehow does exist and the time to analyze it is over.
So, we fight. Using a World War II military expression; ” Give them no quarter. ”