Banana Bread! Monkey’s are jumping up and down.
Banana Bread: 2 cups flour / 1 cup sugar / 1/2 cup shortening / 3 very ripe mashed bananas / 1/2 cup walnuts / 2 eggs / 1 tablespoon baking Read more…
Banana Bread: 2 cups flour / 1 cup sugar / 1/2 cup shortening / 3 very ripe mashed bananas / 1/2 cup walnuts / 2 eggs / 1 tablespoon baking Read more…
Chocolate Whipped Cream: 1 cup heavy cream / 1 teaspoon vanilla / 2 and 1/2 tablespoons white sugar / 2 and 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa. Kitchen aid for 3 minutes. Read more…
Making Heavy Cream: Mix: 3/4 cup milk / 1/4 cup melted butter! Please note that this will not whip, just replace your need for liquid heavy cream. Enjoy!
” New Study: Full scale “Medicare for All”, costs $32 Trillion over 10 years. A new study finds that a full scale single payer health insurance program, also called ” Read more…
This is part of Greta Thunber’s speech before the United Nations. Her rage and desperation moved us to the bone. Her words: ” Adults keep saying, ” We owe it Read more…
Unfuckingwithable: (adj.) When you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity and drama can touch you. Learn Read more…
” Now give me back the $575 I pay to keep the war machine running and the $368 I pay in corporate welfare to big oil and Walmart.” It’s time Read more…
Be nice to you / Educate you / “Debate” or prove their oppression to you / Make you feel comfortable / Give your “opinion” equal weight to their experiences / Read more…
3 cups fresh basil leaves / 1 cup chopped walnuts / 3 cloves of garlic / 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese / 1 cup olive oil / salt and pepper. Read more…
Ready in five minutes. No cooking. Godiva sells white chocolate and dark chocolate pudding for about $2.00 that little box. 2 cups very cold milk, mix for two minutes and Read more…
I’ll vote for loving them until they forget. This is Chewey. Ran under a car from some wilderness and the woman driving stopped and picked him up. I was buying Read more…
Dear Santa: Any one of these would be really, really nice. Fresh cookies and milk are in the kitchen waiting for you.
Memories are at times triggered by subtle or blatant images or experiences. This picture of a woman with a number on her arm rattled locks, chains and many doors bringing Read more…
This child/woman embraces all that is good about the human race. Honor, valor, patience, consistence, truth and sacrifice. She also has the smile of an angel. Love life and much Read more…