” I know this is an unpopular position these days, but I believe children should go to the doctor and eat.” – Stephen Colbert
Maybe it’s time to question all the premises government and legislators plus what their lobbies tell us is ” good for us.”
So far they have rendered dirty air, contaminated food, filthy drinking water, and unregulated industries, which are capitalizing on their own agendas, ignoring our needs. All evidence points to the conclusion that they are not to be trusted with our assets or our well-being. Children in concentration camps, and private prisons, veterans committing suicide to silence their own desperation, man-made terminal diseases rampant with no affordable cures in sight, the planet burning to the ground, and thousands upon thousands of species disappearing forever on a daily basis. This scenario has been created by individuals and corporations with vested interests that stand in conflict with our interests. They misuse us and our money. Why, I ask, would you believe them when they say “we cannot afford” Universal Healthcare? Cheney roams this planet with someone else’s heart. A heart transplant was paid for by us. If you or your family needed anything, it would be a sad road through hell. Is Cheney’s life more valuable than yours in your own eyes? My only desire is that we all question the obvious pot of manure we are fed on a daily basis in an attempt to manipulate and gain yet more control over us. We must put our interests and needs first since no one else does.