Stochastic Terrorist is a term entirely new to me. It seems that experiencing the ways of a stochastic terrorist had eluded me. Then in came Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States and now we know that in addition to a Malignant Narcissist, he is a Stochastic Terrorist. The man is a walking house of horrors.
I recall early in his tenure how, during a press conference, he said he wished the police would be more forceful when handling minorities. His whiney voice grates like nails against a blackboard. At the time I thought to myself that the comment was out of hand and wrong. Little did I know that this was my first encounter with a Stochastic Terrorist. Cause and effect. We have witnessed how police brutality exploded since it was condoned and incited by the President of the United States. Why hold back? Extreme violence became the cause. The effect was wounded and murdered people that should still be alive today. This created worldwide protests and the Black Lives Matter movement. I don’t need to be a shrink to combine the personality characteristics of a Malignant Narcissist with the Stochastic Terrorist characteristics and conclude that this individual needs, craves, to feel and cause others pain and death. I can’t repeat this enough. He is a walking, breathing house of horrors… a danger to everyone around him. His niece, Mary Trump, warns us that he could kill about one million Americans before he leaves office. These are her words, not mine.
After his police comment, inciting violence, I have witnessed many other similar commands from him. Out in the open. He makes an open statement. The crazies on the other end of the spectrum hear him and follow suit. I dare bet, that someday, someone will write a very interesting book about this. It won’t be me.
Stochastic Terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite lone wolves to carry out unpredictable violent acts.
The Stochastic Terrorist is certain that his inflammatory rhetoric will stir up violence. He just does not know exactly what will happen or who will do it, or where or when.
Donald John Trump believes he is not liable for his Stochastic Terrorism. Let’s prove him wrong. This man needs to be put away in any kind of institution that fits his level of depravity. We will not be safe while he roams free.