Just a couple of days ago we watched in total shock as the FBI blocked an attempt to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan. The would-be kidnappers plan was to overthrow the government, stage a trial for Gov. Whitmer and an execution. About thirteen people have been arrested and held without bond.
Aside from the relief of the horror averted it was interesting to watch as Donald Trump and William Barr, the President and the United States Attorney General respectively, publicly claim to have no knowledge of the attempt, the investigation or anything to do with this terrorist attack on American soil.
We all know that Donald Trump knew and is directly responsible for the attempt on Gov. Whitman’s life. Plausible deniability cannot apply to this situation since he publicly asked for “something” to be done about Michigan.
The ruling Oligarchs are getting desperate and sloppy. A Tribunal will address all of these criminal transgressions at a not so later date.