Are Trump’s moves bold or stupid or both? Associated Press reported this morning that Donald J. Trump ” fires head who vouched for Election 2020 security. The dismissal of the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs, was abrupt but not a surprise.”
Mind boggling at multiple levels. A brief walk down memory lane will remind us of confirmed meddling and interference on behalf of Russia during the 2016 Presidential Election. This is fact. Russia was all in changing the election to benefit Donald Trump, as first choice and Bernard Sanders, as second choice. Anyone, but Hillary Clinton was allowed to win, according to Russia and Republicans manipulation. They succeeded costing us everything.
During the past four years Democrat legislators have tried countless times to support the purity of the American elections providing needed funding and safekeeping measures. Trump and Republicans never allowed the new funds approved or the old funds used. Here we sat, thinking Russia would own this election, again. But wait for it. The purity of the election, at the level of cybersecurity and infrastructure had “our back” in the persona of Christopher Krebs, whole title has already been mentioned above. It appears he did stop Russia, China, the school kids from tampering with the election and then stabbed the wannabe dictator in the back by certifying the purity of the 2020 election. This automatically puts to rest, truly dead on arrival, Trump’s claims that he won the Presidential election thus prompting his refusal to concede.
Now if someone could explain to me why hasn’t Senator Lindsey Graham been arrested?