“The Truth isn’t Truth” Rudy Giuliani @ Meet the Press 8/19/18

Here you have a legal counsel in the employ of Donald Trump,who is posing as President of the United States of America. If truth isn’t truth, then what is it? The only thing that a non truth can be is a lie. By vanishing the idea and concept of truth from the sphere of the planet, our entire world changed, rebooted. Nothing is what is was, it’s something else. We make fun of him but maybe there is some untruth to this untruth. Denying the existence of truth has a name: denialism. In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically irrational truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

In other words, Rudy Giuliani is certifiably insane. Truth is truth.

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Categories: Politics


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