It’s an argument about life and death. We watch the ongoing war between the health and wellbeing of citizens and the vested interest of corporations represented by their lobbyists, our legislators. If we ever wanted proof of American Fascism it is here now.
A mismanaged epidemic has been blatantly encouraged into a Pandemic and government fights to indoctrinate people into claiming for their rights to become infected and infect everyone around them. Science fiction could never use this story because it is incredible that the humans in the story could be so stupid. Well here we are seeing the humans in our real life story become convinced that they can override a Pandemic and are dropping dead left and right.
Slowly the care taken to prevent the contamination is shrinking. The supermarket carts are no longer steamed. The mat on the floor to sterilize your shoes is gone. Employees walk closer and closer joking about not keeping personal distance. We are seeing how non mask wearers turn violent at stores when asked to wear a mask or leave. Security seems to allow them to run rampant. They may have a gun? If there is a problem you and I both, hesitate to call the police since police brutality is rampant. What if the police called doesn’t like me or likes me too much?
Now they are coming after our children demanding that schools open smack in the middle of this Pandemic.
In the end, this is all about money and power. I urge you to vote wisely and keep yourself locked down, as much as humanly possible. Do not be afraid to yell at people coming too close or too touchy. Manners need be put on hold until this evil that wants to eradicate us is gone.