You must have noticed that Epstein’s scandal and death have vanished from the face of the Earth, better known as media outlets. While it was still being discussed I repeatedly ran across article after article declaring that a judge was about to release the first 1000 names in Epstein’s infamous book of clients. He disappeared, so did the list of names. Some were leaked: Prince Andres, Bill Gates, Alan Dershowitz, to name a few. The best known name is Donald Trump.
Epstein, an American financier and convicted sex offender started as a teacher and went into banking and then became a sex trafficker of minor. After all that has been said and hidden about him what stands out in my mind is an article I read during the height of the scandal that addressed sex trafficking of minors as a billion dollar industry known to as many as 40 percent of Washington DC’s circle of power. It seems that pedophilia is the unknown hobby of the rich and famous. Similar to and parallel to institutionalized pedophilia in Churche’s all over the world. Who know? For sure, I didn’t/