This meme will live in infamy for a very long time. It comprises many of the characteristics that define the man who, if allowed, would be king, Donald John Trump.

Trump made his entrance to Washington DC with his descendants by his side and anointing his daughter as his second in line. They intended to embed themselves in our structures, political and economic, in such a way that they would own the United States of America. Of course, he had help both foreign and domestic. We all know their names. Putin in Russia. Republicans in the US. They needed someone with sufficient chuspa and greed to dare assume the role of dictator/monarch.

I do admire his lack of self-preservation, putting himself out there for everyone to see his brand of madness. Little that he know that we did not see a brave, dashing knight in shining armor. We saw him, his true self. Cruel beyond words, ignorant beyond comprehension, and ultimately a coward in every sense of the word. It was shameful and shocking to watch him show such weakness and madness.

Once Trump realized that we, the people, are many and proud and are very willing to push back, he hid in the White House bunker 100 feet below ground. Such a bunker was designed for defense during a nuclear attack. His fear of us, the people, prompted him to build wall after wall enclosing the White House. Then he added electricity to the walls. He wanted to zap us little cattle.

To fix the image that he had been coined “Bunker Baby,” he decided to take a stroll from the White House to a nearby house of worship. Before he stepped outside, his military guards fired their weapons on peaceful, unarmed bystanders. This was the first time an American President attacked and wounded his own people. Treason isn’t a strong enough word. We will never forgive this. We will never forget it. He then continued his walk to the church and held up high an upside-down bible. This symbolism is better than the DaVinci Code. The anti-Christ? Symbolism is important. They explain the subtext of the events in each story.

An educated guess is that he will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. His hands are soaked in the blood of Americans who continue to die needlessly during this raging pandemic. We have feared for our lives and our future. Now, it’s his turn to feel the true burn of fear. He has gotten away with so much his entire life. He had met his match. We, the people.

Thank you for reading.

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