Holiday Drink. Smile.
Freeze coffee as ice cubes and toss in a cut of Baileys and Vanilla Vodka! Happy New Year.
Freeze coffee as ice cubes and toss in a cut of Baileys and Vanilla Vodka! Happy New Year.
As we look towards the end of 2020, in real time, in politics and in the value of our lives, it’s fair to say that we spent most of this year trying to believe our ears and our eyes. Our own government turned against us in ways never seen in Read more…
We found this very creative version of the 2020 obsession with toilet paper on Facebook. It’s simple to make. Five layers of white cake. White filling to bind them together. White ganache. A rolling pin with the pictured design and a brown cover for the hole. Your guest will laugh Read more…
Architectural Digest won’t knock your door down to cover these ideas but they are sweet and fun and simple. They don’t break the bank. Enjoy.
This display is beautiful, healthy and easy to make. Spend more time on yourself. You have sliced strawberries, brie, blue cheese, Parmesan cheese, plus two other cheeses, sliced smoked salmon, bacon squares, cold cuts, pepperoni, and black olives. On a separate platter place crackers, slices of cucumber, and slices of Read more…
Finding Funky Wonky games has proven a challenge. This one is truly lame. Enjoy! lol
“Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.” It’s fair to say that the year 2020 will live in our memory as infamous. For those of us who has, so far, made it till December alive, we are grateful and thankful and hopeful. We are Read more…
Let’s examine the facts. The United States of America is no longer a functioning democracy, it is an Oligarchy, ruled by a handful of very wealthy people and their chosen administrators. The Trump administration did ask of the American people to sacrifice their lives for the wellbeing of Wall Street, Read more…
Donald J. Trump is trying everything, and then some, to avoid leaving the safety of the White House and the Presidency of the United States. The reasons are many and all very dangerous to his way of life, his very existence. He is out of money, out of friends and Read more…
I’ve had the privilege of seeing firsthand how American people have risen above themselves, to be more, to become empowered and stand tall for the common good. I’ve also seen how many opponents, who are also our family, have taken a different road. A road that would take them and Read more…
It’s no secret that I admire and love President Carter. I think him to be one of the greatest statesmen to have served the United States. I also believe that his humanity is above the rest of us. Integrity and honor ring true when his name is mentioned. He shows Read more…
It’s on everyone’s mind every second of the day. Who will be next in announcing they have it. Who will be next news, learning that someone has died. All day long I’m reading these announcements and I hold my breath and brace myself to be strong and cheerful and supporting Read more…
“I just want magic. In life, in everything. I just want magic.” Our urgent and constant yearning for magic has been our downfall. It has cost us everything. Humanity has lost it’s soul by trading truth and facts for easy fiction. All ‘magic’ is unexplained science. People are too lazy Read more…
From ” Recollections of Early Childhood”. There was time when meadow, grove and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparalled in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not not now as it hath been of yore;- Turn whereoe’er I Read more…
It you are having a difficult time coping emotionally with the events in our life put on your high heels or your boots and buggy on down to the animal shelter and bring home a friend or two. From personal experience, and crossing my comfort zone, I can tell you Read more…
“The woods are never solitary, they are full of whispering, beckoning, friendly life.” L.M. Montgomery This is exactly how I see and feel nature. Always an extended, welcoming hand inviting me to join them. Someday I will. Note: Many thanks to my Facebook friend, Linda Hathaway Foster for allowing me Read more…
“When you remember a past event, you’re actually remembering the last time you remembered it, not the event itself.” Until I read this statement, I had never thought otherwise. Of course, remembering is the act of extracting information from your mind. But now doubt has taken hold of this concept. Read more…
Sauteed one large, sliced, seasoned with tarragon, mushroom in EVVO. Set aside. Break two eggs into the same seasoned pan and scramble while you cook them. Set aside. Slice one or more fresh strawberries. Warm a flour tortilla 20 seconds. ( forgive the processed flour Tortilla. Whole wheat is better, Read more…
This insanity has caused the illness and lonely death of over 250,000 Americans. We cannot not allow them to just walk away unharmed in our relief to be rid of them. We need to send all of them to jail for a very long time. Teach the Oligarchy some respect.
We all watched, with our mouths open, how a fly sat endlessly on top of Vice President Pence’s head during the last vice presidential debate between himself and Senator Kamala Harris. The producers allowed the fly to sit there and did nothing. No one, it appears, signaled that he should Read more…