Here are the things politicians claim we cannot afford:
Healthcare / Infrastructure / Public Transport / Education / Renewable Energy / Clean Environment / Feeding the Poor / Public Elections / Reasonable Minimum Wage / Housing for everyone / Safe food / Clean Water / Clean Air /
Here are the things we “can afford ” :
Iraq and Afghan Wars : $4 to 6 Trillion dollars / Wall Street Bailouts : $12.8 Trillion dollars / Big Oil Subsidies : $ 37 .5 Billion per year / F35 Program : $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS.
The red chart above shows the World Child Poverty Rate according to Unicef. The good old United States ranks 16th with a 32.2 percent . This means that 32.2 percent of ALL children in the United States of America live below the poverty line wanting for food, clothing, medical attention and a roof over their dear heads. A New York Times article recently stated that in the New York City alone 140,000 children attending school are homeless. Just image going to school every day knowing you have no home to go to when the day ends. Children are being shamed and denied lunch if they cannot pay for it. We have become the land of billionaires having a dandy time while everyone else, specially children suffer hunger and homelessness. “This will only get worse unless you get angry and do something. There will be no magic wand turning our pumpkin into a golden carriage. Organize, register, vote, fight.