If you spent a million dollars a day…/
every single day since Jesus was born…/
you still would not have spent as much…/
as Congress did in the Stimulus Bill./
Now, let’s quadruple that amount..,/
And we’ll have the cost of the Iraq war… (WhatdoUMeme.com/
Sooo, let’s test this. /
$1MM / day since Jesus’ birth @ 2019 X 365 X 4 =/
736,935 x 1mm =735,935,000,000 X 4 =/
$2,947,740,000,000 aka rounded t0 $3 Trillion Dollars/
Wikipedia states that ” as of 2017 the cost of the Iraq was was $2.45 Trillon. Bingo, the Meme is right. /
In the mean time the criminals in the White House that dragged our sorry asses into this unfounded war roam this Earth free. Explain that, it you may. /