These pictures were taken by a friend in the southern part of Puerto Rico, USA. Collapsed homes due to hundred of consecutive earthquakes. These aren’t shacks but homes built of solid concrete with expensive hurricane safe windows. I estimate their value in $100K plus. They probably carry mortgages . One minute you have an asset on the plus side of your balance sheet and the next you have a mortgage but no home. Of course, everyone is grateful they came out alive but let’s take a moment and empathize with the individual horror of their very personal loss. I sit in the comfort of my home and imagine all my worldly treasures lost forever and it hurts really bad. This culture is not into self-pity. People will pull themselves up and find the strength to start over. People will survive yet it’s relevant and needed to acknowledge their very huge loss. Your home is your biggest and most important investment during your lifetime. Splat! Gone. They can’t be fixed. Now come and tell me that climate catastrophe isn’t real, isn’t relevant.