The meaning of Antifa is Anti-Fascist. Becoming an American anti-fascist is a reaction to the present government becoming fascist Oligarchs. Clear and simple as daylight. Placed under the upper cap title of cause and effect. Fascism is rapidly growing roots in America and this gives grounds for the birth of a anti fascist movement among the people.
Modern society is styled and chic and like their urban names for every event in sight. This is how and why the term Antifa is born. A word tossed around with the ease and comfort of a whisper. What is being missed under the use of the term is that Antifa gives the impression, the idea, of being a formal organization, which it is not.
As American citizens work vigorously towards regaining power over our government by voting and clearly verbalizing that fascist practices will not be tolerated, the incumbent has declared Antifa a terrorist organization. Simultaneously, various violent right wing groups have called themselves Antifa to confuse and validate the status of terrorist.
Thousands of people have publicly identified themselves as “Antifa”. I urge you to consider eliminating this term from your language. Why? You are admitting to being a member of a terrorist organization.
If the 2020 election is stolen once again, the well established dictator Trump could issue warrants for your arrest and and can you deny that you admitted to being Antifa, a known terrorist organization. Far fetched is all about thinking ahead. When you are asked if you are Antifa, consider this bait and emphatically respond “No!!! I am an American against fascism.” This could save your life.