It’s become clear to us that a great sector of our fellow Americans lack any concern for the wellbeing of themselves and others. They risk their lives and the lives of their families for ideals they do not have the ability of analyze or grasp. It’s a mind control problem with no end in sight. Facts have no relevance and lawlessness is rampant in a Macho mentality we have never witnessed before. They say they are willing take up arms and kill fellow Americans to defend rights they cannot comprehend. Illiteracy is rampant, poverty is the norm and psychotic behavior the common denominator. This segment of our society is mentally ill and in urgent need of medical attention to break them from their irrational, self destructive behavior.
We tend to make fun of them, because of their illness and constantly blame their violent behavior on inbreeding and other foolish complaints. The truth be said, they are in desperate need of medical assistance, education and compassion. Once the Fascist are vanished from our lives we must address the damage done to these citizens and help them. Not shame them, but truly help them. Let’s not turn our backs on them.