Elements that have created American Fascism:
We, at Capricorn Science, have addressed each of these issues independently but at time a good old shopping list is needed to inventor what needs to be done. The path that needs paving and walking is this:
Foreign ownership of media :
deregulation of equal airtime for political candidates. Stop and prevent foreign ownership of media outlets.
Patriot Act:
Closing down and infringement of constitutional rights and Civil Liberties.
Fake Wars:
Emergency staged wars open the floodgate to ” lost” money flowing out the Pentagon into the hands of thieves.
Social Security Fund:
The endless Republican heft of our Social Security Fund must be stopped and previous “loans” must be reimbursed.
Gain back control of the Courts:
Premeditated placement of judges at all levels in an effort to break the law.
Making Mitch McConell accountable:
The strangle hold of the President of the Senate in any event of business for the people must become avoidable in the present and the future.
Making Russia accountable:
The direct intervention of a foreign enemy in collaboration with one of the two main political parties. Trials and convictions are the order of the day.
Elimination of All Tax Exemptions:
Enough trillion dollar corporate and church tax exemptions plus another bulk of trillions of dollars that are given as endowments.
Corporations and billionaire’s need be taxed appropriately.