Americans have been at war 93% of the time – 222 our of 239 years – since 1776, according to Global Research. All US presidents can be technically considered “war presidents”. The US has never gone a decade without war, Need I say more about how we have invested our greatest resources, our children. This has to change.
1 Comment
Hedy Schmidtchen · May 17, 2020 at 8:25 AM
I had just finished my Sunday morning coffee when I saw this post on fb. I saw the Orwell quote and being a life long liberal, it looked like it might be interesting. Normally the picture of the rats alone would be enough to steer me away from the post but it’s early and I hadn’t reached that ‘danger…nausea’ point where I can’t tolerate another post about, hear his voice or see a picture of the toxic, orange scum, his evil spawn or his minions…yet…and then I saw our war ‘track record’ THIS IS DISGUSTING… I am done for the day…