” We give religion $82,500,000,000.00 , that’s $ 82.5 Billion, per year.” 08/23/2013 Washington Post.

Churches don’t pay property tax on their land or buildings. When they buy stuff, they don’t pay sales tax. When they sell stuff at a profit, they don’t pay capital gain tax. If they spend less than they take in, they don’t pay corporate income tax.

How much revenue would taxing Churches create? 04/16/2018 bigthink.com stated a University of Tampa study that concluded that they would pay $83.5 Billion of revenue. Think about all the problems this money could solve instead to being given to institutions that, often fail to comply with their purpose.

I could go on and say a lot more but I think the sums of money involved are sufficient food for thought. Seriously consider taking action really soon to tax all churches.

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