Guacamole Baby!
Here it goes, One ripe avocado, lime or lemon, salt, pepper, tomato, onion, hot sauce. Mix, mush and gobble up. Enjoy!
Homemade lentil soup with home grown avocado topping!
Recipe upon request. Just drop me a note and I’ll be happy to write it out for you.
Croissants make me happy!
Many believe the croissant is a quintessential French pastry, but it traces back to the Ottoman siege of Vienna. Indeed, Austria is the actual birthplace of France’s most famous breakfast pastry. The kipferl, the ancestor of the croissant, stretches back to the 13th century in Austria. Maybe a bit of Read more…
Gorilla Selfies are the real deal. Just wonderful.
Source: Image Gorilla’s participating in selfies with their guardians. I never tire of looking at them doing this. Primates are on the gravely endangered list with about a decade left to exist. There are wonderful people who dedicate their lives to protecting them from every possible harm.
Museums are homes of our humanity
“We all know that art is not truth Art is a lie that makes you realize truth, at least, the truth that is given to us to understand. The artist must know the manner by whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.” – Pablo Picasso Did art Read more…
Glasswinged Butterfly! Awe inspiring!
The Greta Oto is a species of brush footed butterfly’s and member of the sub family Danainae, tribe Ithomiini. Also known as Glass Wing Butterfly for its unique transparent wings that allow it to camouflage without extensive coloration. The butterfly symbolizes great transformation and personal growth. So seeing these creatures Read more…
Trees Speak to Each Other.
Two decades ago, while researching her doctoral thesis, ecologist Suzanne Simard discovered that trees communicate their needs and send each other nutrients via a network of latticed fungi buried into the soil. In other words, she discovered that they speak and help each other. I always knew. My love of Read more…
Home made Spanish Churro’s. What’s on your plate?
Spanish Churros are light years more delicious than donuts plus they are easy and fast to make. Recipe time: 1 cup water / 1/2 cup butter/ 1 cup flour / 1 tbsp. sugar / 1/4 teasp. salt. two eggs. More sugar for coating. Cinnamon. Instructions: add first five ingredients in Read more…
Recycling ideas.
Learning about recycling saves money and saves our precious planet. More about this later!
What’s on your plate?
This recipe came from my friend Wendy. A marinade of soy sauce, lots and lots of oregano and fresh lime. She freezes it, which enhances the flavor to yum level but I’m too hungry to wait. Skewers to bake or dry pan fry like I make it, It’s divine and Read more…
Pepo says good morning.
Pepo is a 30 year old Double Yellow Nape Amazon. We have lived together since he was about 8 years old. He was kind of sad, sitting on his perch at the Pet Shop. When I decided to bring him home, I explained that we were a human plus other Read more…
Can flowers laugh? Looks like a laugh to me! Lol
Can flowers laugh? I think they do. Photography is a new found passion of mine combined with my love of nature results in all kinds of amateur pictures. Close ups of blooms is a new delight since the camera see’s much more than our eyes. When my roses or lilacs Read more…
The Honesty of a Rose.
Proudly, from my garden. It’s not like me to have a favorite color, song, book, recipe. I’m a life glutton that likes a lot a things, all at the same time. My exception is with this Rose. She is unprecedented in qualities as an astounding beauty, heavenly perfume, astounding design, Read more…
To love your garden
In the past, seeds were looked upon as garbage to be pulled out of fruit and vegetables and discarded. Now, after learning the joy of placing seeds in a bit of soil and seeing them show their grateful little faces I have become a seed fan. Learning a bit about Read more…
For the love of Art.
” We all know that art is not the truth. Art is the lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand. The Artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truth fullness of this lies” Pablo Picasso