Connecting the dots. Falling in love with your plastic.
The media is wildly discussing that we will soon be the last generation of humans on planet Earth. Fools and tools like Jeff Bezos are openly discussing the need to find another habitable planet, a Plan B since this one is on its deathbed. Some politicians and activists are poking Read more…
Some of my best friends never say a word to me.
Everything on this Earth is a product of evolution. We all traveled from there to here. From then to now. Impossible to ignore what happened during this lapse in time. When we were barely standing on our hind legs we hunted in packs. Dogs, not yet domesticated, traveled with us Read more…
Climate Catastrophe Now.
While politicians, lobbyist, people in general discuss world events with a sense of urgency a 16 year old Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, has changed the world forever by voicing her hear, her anger and her horror at not having a future to call her own. Climate catastrophe is happening now Read more…
Meet Michael Gillespie, the Ransomeware Superhero of Normal, Illinois
Are Shadows More Than Meets the Eye?
Shadows are known consequences to light and darkness. They are an opaque object blocking the path of light. A shadow is a dark region and is formed only when a light source is present. Recently, like several months ago, I was outside of my home walking around the garden and Read more…
Your Brain is a computing device Information is power! Learn how you and everything else is wired and you will own your life.
Brains Connectivity
Memorializing a Glacier and Hoping for the Future
Centuries old Glaciers vanishing due to global warming warrants attention and sadness for a world misused. The link below tells the story better than I can.
Do We Even Know Ourselves or Our Masks?
Masking in Psychology is a process in which an individual changes or “masks” their natural personality to conform to social pressures, abuse, and / or harassment. An individual may not even know that he or she is wearing a mask because it is a behavior that can take many forms. Read more…
To connect or disconnect. That is the question.
Artificial Intelligence is here and will remain so. We edge closer to the day where our human flesh will merge with artificial mechanism and through this may at last obtain immortality. This subject has fascinated me always and hope to explore it more and in greater detail in the near Read more…
If I could delete anything from the world, what would it be?
I gave this great thought and came up with the elimination of Poverty, which is the primary reason for ignorance, illness, violence, avarice, cruelty and hunger. Would be great. Humanity becoming human at last. Never give up.
The Color of Us.
I read years ago that scientist’s had concluded that, genetically, there is but one human race. The differences in our phenotype are caused by the climate or our given geography. Nordic people have evolved to white skin since they had no need to protect themselves against the heat from the Read more…
About trees.
This picture depicts the Flamboyan tree, in full bloom, in front of my home. Georgia O’keefe must be taking a spiritual breath at the sight of such beauty. Huge, open, inviting red flowers dancing the mating dance with bees. Inviting birds to perch and nest. Lizards to climb and jump. Read more…