I hate small talks.
I wanna talk about atoms,
death, aliens, sex, magic, intellect,
the meaning of life, faraway galaxies,
the lies you’ve told, your flaws, your
favorite scents, your childhood,
what keeps you up at night,
your insecurity and fears.
I like people with depth,
who speak with emotion,
a twisted mind.
I don’t want to know “what’s up”.
~by Peaceful Warrior
I didn’t write this but should have since it fits me like looking in a mirror, every single word. Remaining forever interested and interesting starts with wanting to know everything from why do we blink to do commodities have feelings. From abstract thought comes knowledge and innovation. I may not be an inventor but for sure am interested in knowing who is inventing what and why. Let’s keep it interesting. Welcome to this new strip of time called 2021.