Donald J. Trump refuses to admit losing the 2020 elections and has gone to extreme and illegal measures in a useless attempt to overturn the results: He lost. Biden won.

Trump is presently dancing a very dangerous political two-step. He has tried to bribe and pressure the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” him 11,780 votes. Trump said during a conference call that there was no need for him, Trump, to know how this was achieved. They could sign a confidentiality agreement, but he did not need to know this. Said conversation was recorded and made public for the entire world to read the transcript and listen to the recording. Must I interpret this for you? Front and central election tampering in an attempt to overturn and steal the Presidency of the United States. Of course, Trump must be embarrassed now that everyone knows what he is capable of. We always knew.

Today is the deciding electoral date for the two senatorial seats in Georgia, which may or may not win the majority hand for Democrats, at last ridding us from the deadly grip of Mitch McConnell. The state of Georgia helped win us the Oval. Millions of Americans and millions worldwide watch silently, gripping onto whatever is available, while this dance for freedom takes place.

To summarize, Democrats hold the majority of the House of Representatives. Representative Nancy Pelosi has re-won the Speakership of the House and is already sworn in and ready to come out swinging. The Presidency has been won by ex-Senator, ex-Vice President Joe Biden. All the States have certified his win. Tomorrow, the Electoral votes will be counted as a formality, but as is to be expected, nothing is normal anymore. At my last count, there are 11 Senators and 140 Republican Representatives attempting to overturn these results. It has nowhere to go, but there is the real possibility that these 151 members of Congress will not be allowed to be seated due to their attempt to overthrow the government.

The majority seat of the Senate has been under the stranglehold of Senator Mitch McConnell. Democrats in the Senate have 48 seats won already. Republicans have 50 seats won already. If today’s contest in Georgia wins Democrats both Senatorial seats, the scenario changes to 50-50 seats on each side. The Vice President of the United States is the ultimate voice of the Senate. The boss. In this case, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will have final voting power in the Senate. This will allow us, with all three branches of government held by Democrats, to fix the undoing we have been submitted to. It won’t be perfect. It never is, but starvation, homelessness, and the raging Pandemic will be contained. That alone is a mouthful.

While Georgia is trying to save the world, the crazy madman, Donald Trump, is attempting to start trouble with Iran. Trump has tried unsuccessfully to pull a W. Bush and invent a war that will keep him in office. It is a tradition that Americans do not change presidents during wartime. This last-minute toss-up with Iran is again an attempt to, in his delusion, remain in the White House as President during a second term. We all know it’s over, except Trump. Unless someone takes the keys away, he may still get those of us still standing killed.

On the mystery of where Trump will go once he leaves or is dragged from the White House, news outlets have been busy talking about US aircraft coming and going to an airport near Trump’s hotel in Scotland. We guessed the deposed US president would move to Scotland since his Mar-a-Lago neighbors in Florida signed petitions to keep him out of his property. Well, Scotland is a bust for Trump since we just heard that Scotland has closed their airports. No one coming in. No one going out. Are they using the Pandemic to lock him out? I don’t know, but it sure looks that way to me.

Today Georgia. Tomorrow, the Electoral count. Who knows what Thursday will bring? I’m hoping for some good news.

Thank you for reading.

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