Recycling ideas.
Learning about recycling saves money and saves our precious planet. More about this later!
What’s on your plate?
This recipe came from my friend Wendy. A marinade of soy sauce, lots and lots of oregano and fresh lime. She freezes it, which enhances the flavor to yum level Read more…
Pepo says good morning.
Pepo is a 30 year old Double Yellow Nape Amazon. We have lived together since he was about 8 years old. He was kind of sad, sitting on his perch Read more…
Can flowers laugh? Looks like a laugh to me! Lol
Can flowers laugh? I think they do. Photography is a new found passion of mine combined with my love of nature results in all kinds of amateur pictures. Close ups Read more…
The Honesty of a Rose.
Proudly, from my garden. It’s not like me to have a favorite color, song, book, recipe. I’m a life glutton that likes a lot a things, all at the same Read more…
To love your garden
In the past, seeds were looked upon as garbage to be pulled out of fruit and vegetables and discarded. Now, after learning the joy of placing seeds in a bit Read more…
For the love of Art.
” We all know that art is not the truth. Art is the lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand. Read more…
To Cook or not to cook?
Yeah, yeah, cooking can be messy but so worth it!!! I taught myself to cook by reading cook books cover to cover and trying this and that and driving people Read more…
A Bird is a bird is a Dinosaur!!! Meet Max.
Long time ago I was in search for a gift for my daughter and the idea of a bird crossed my mind. I bought her a yellow Parakeet. I also Read more…
About My Dogs…
Honor where honor is due! Years ago I read in a Smithsonian Magazine article that back in time when humans hunted with dogs, in packs, a form of visual communication Read more…
Creating this blog…
Yeah, yeah, I thought it would be easy. If I can put together a perfect Souffle by following a cook book I can create a blog. Wrong! WordPress is lovely Read more…
What’s with the name Capricorn Science?
Social media was a “thing” I found silly. I know. Silly me. I thought is was for people looking to get dates while showing younger pictures saying they are current. Read more…
About trees.
This picture depicts the Flamboyan tree, in full bloom, in front of my home. Georgia O’keefe must be taking a spiritual breath at the sight of such beauty. Huge, open, Read more…
My First Selfie! ♥
Becoming a part of social media required that I learn a whole new language plus engage in new habits. I observed how my daughter could not breathe without having photographic Read more…
Not very romantic but it’s the truth. Someone has to tell you.
Having the TV on as background noise is a lifelong habit. I don’t watch, it’s just on. I came to notice that no matter how many episodes, seasons, different programs Read more…