To Cook or not to cook?
Yeah, yeah, cooking can be messy but so worth it!!! I taught myself to cook by reading cook books cover to cover and trying this and that and driving people Read more…
Yeah, yeah, cooking can be messy but so worth it!!! I taught myself to cook by reading cook books cover to cover and trying this and that and driving people Read more…
Long time ago I was in search for a gift for my daughter and the idea of a bird crossed my mind. I bought her a yellow Parakeet. I also Read more…
Honor where honor is due! Years ago I read in a Smithsonian Magazine article that back in time when humans hunted with dogs, in packs, a form of visual communication Read more…
Yeah, yeah, I thought it would be easy. If I can put together a perfect Souffle by following a cook book I can create a blog. Wrong! WordPress is lovely Read more…
Social media was a “thing” I found silly. I know. Silly me. I thought is was for people looking to get dates while showing younger pictures saying they are current. Read more…
This picture depicts the Flamboyan tree, in full bloom, in front of my home. Georgia O’keefe must be taking a spiritual breath at the sight of such beauty. Huge, open, Read more…
Becoming a part of social media required that I learn a whole new language plus engage in new habits. I observed how my daughter could not breathe without having photographic Read more…
Having the TV on as background noise is a lifelong habit. I don’t watch, it’s just on. I came to notice that no matter how many episodes, seasons, different programs Read more…
Green Winged Macaws. They see an aura over each others head which allows them to distinguish their gender. Nature knows it’s game! Lol
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton A couple of months ago I read an interesting article written by the creator of the blog Read more…
Selfies are a event of our time. Every device has a camera and we want to record every moment of our lives. It’s a wonderful time to be alive. Some Read more…
I read this and laughed until I cried. So maybe you enjoy it? I did google it and found out it’s true. Crazy, funny piggy. Enjoy. You have to admit Read more…
Thank you are the two most important words of any language. By using them every day and at every needed opportunity we expand our world and our life. So… thank Read more…