How trees talk. ❤❤❤¬if_id=1574849825591978¬if_t=story_reshare&ref=notif&sfnsn=mo¬if_id=1574849825591978¬if_t=story_reshare&ref=notif&sfnsn=mo
My last one sentence blog was about my untimely fall and how my right hand was temporarily rendered non functional. Last night I was wondering if today I would be able to, at least, check in and wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. For the first time ever I wondered Read more…
Are they singing and dancing and posing to be seen? No answers, only questions. Look closely and feel their majestic stance, barely touching while looking straight at the camera. The dance of life.
Happy Second Wedding Anniversary to Serena Williams and Alexis Obanian. Serena caught my attention since she first broke into the tennis scene many years ago. I would often bump into news about her. She was widely criticized over just about everything. Through it all Serena played and played and won Read more…
Youth is the ultimate commodity. As far a I know the only fountain of youth is death. So we do the battle with aging as long as possible. Aging in our society is looked upon as a crime. Not to mention recent events that required that senior citizens should “sacrifice Read more…
For years I raised, as a hobby, Lady Gouldian finches, which are beautiful beyond words. The new hatched sweeties has the markings you see in this picture which allows you to see clearly where to put their food. Natures never disappoints. Enjoy.
Gorillas are ground dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forest of central Sub-Saharan Africa. They are charismatic, intelligent and in danger. They are our closest living relatives. They move around in family groups up to 40. A dominant male leads and holds the position for many years. They are Read more…
It feels like a drive to do something, a compulsion to make real what is working away in your mind. The little creatures above are a perfect example of how someone looked at nuts and had a vision of people doing different things. Wonderful to allow yourself to create and Read more…
The Paso Fino means ” fine step”. The Paso fino is a blend of Barb, Spanish Jennet, and Andalusian horse and was bred by Spanish land owners in Puerto Rico and Colombia to be used in the plantations because of their endurance and comfortable ride. All Pasos share their heritage Read more…
A place where symmetry meets balance and beauty in the hands of nature. We mostly get to see their empty shells. Their discarded body armor and hardly ever view them in all their glory. Enjoy.
The temperature cools down. I can nearly feel the soil and plants dance together in feeding each other. Birds and little animals drink cool, clean and scented water from drops cupped for them by nature. The planet and all is inhabitants become hydrated and ready for more living adventures. I Read more…
Jane Fonda has said that she moved to Washington, DC inspired by environmentalist Greta Thunberg. At first I thought, “Cool, the more the merrier.” but Jane surprised me with a plan, a path and a impeccable implementation of her vision of what needs to be done to save Planet Earth. Read more…
Am I alone in wondering if the world around me is more than it appears to our simple eyes? Some habits are so ingrained that we that we become unaware of them. I, for one, attribute personas to all living things around me. I have imaginary conversations with the wind Read more…
That unexpected surprise of a new and unsolicited friendship is always awe inspiring. When it happens, and it will, hold on to it and cherish it because it’s a treasure like few and far apart.
Only when you recognize every creatures right to exist will we all find a sense of peace and belonging. By excluding and denying others we exclude and deny ourselves. If you take a closer look you will see that the answer is not found in the thought ” man against Read more…
Our future. Our children. The images speak for themselves.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before she dies…The woman who never reads only lives one!” Hardly anyone can travel non stop, visit every restaurant, enjoy castles and wings and mysteries unless you can get lost in a story within a book. There are few, is any, greater joy. Time Read more…
If I were a wolf I could toss my large, hairy head back and howl my heart out while closing my eyes and taking in all the scents that surround me. The Moon would drive my age old instinct to howl and howl, warning my family that I live. Telling Read more…
Where design and beauty meet pavement and freedom. My little island has an expressway that cuts through the maintains. About an hour drive that makes your feel like you are flying. My 5 year old daughter would be perched in the back little seat of my red 480sl while we Read more…