Who Do We Call When The Murderer Wears A Badge?
“Who Do We Call When The Murderer Wears A Badge?” The little girl holding up the sign asking this question struck me as the most important question that needs to Read more…
“Who Do We Call When The Murderer Wears A Badge?” The little girl holding up the sign asking this question struck me as the most important question that needs to Read more…
Nine dog’s have rescued me throughout my life. The first time was a thundering day and as I drove down Balderioty de Castro Avenue my eyes caught the terrified glimpse Read more…
The meaning of Antifa is Anti-Fascist. Becoming an American anti-fascist is a reaction to the present government becoming fascist Oligarchs. Clear and simple as daylight. Placed under the upper cap Read more…
We all know what is happening right now. A white policeman places his knee on the neck of a black man, who is handcuffed, turned over on his stomach. The Read more…
Recently and article detailed how it is entirely credible to think that Donald J Trump is a CI, a confidential informant for the FBI. Second generation links to the Mafia Read more…
Advertisement: A written or electronic communication in the public media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television addressed to an unknown audience. Contrast with: Sales Literature. Note: this sounds like Read more…
As a child. about five years of age, I informed my father that I liked animals more than people. He promptly told me that was wrong. The Earth has circled Read more…
The very first time I heard a Mother of a Black son talk about having to teach and warn her child about the “ways of the world” was an interview Read more…
Sunday morning treat. Home made biscuits. I was running low on butter so I made some fresh butter. Here is the recipe: 2 cups of heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon of Read more…
We all know what happened and how violence has erupted throughout the country (US). The details are too gruesome and painful to repeat one more time. A man in the Read more…
Capricorn Science bids the month of May a beautiful and grateful farewell as we welcome June into our lives. June is a glorious month that celebrates pearls and roses, has Read more…
Advance Refunding: A method of eliminating a bond as an obligation of the issuer. This is accomplished by issuing a new bond issue and using the proceeds to purchase government Read more…
Advance Refunded Bonds: Bonds whose debt service is paid by escrowed funds. Also called Prerefunded Bonds. Escrow: Money or securities held by a third party until conditions of a contract Read more…
Since I was a child I’ve been fascinated by Geisha’s. No reason in particular. No one in my family shared this interest nor was it ever mentioned. I must have Read more…
Ad Valorem Tax: A tax based on the assessed value of real property. Assessed Valuation: The value of real estate is used for tax purposes. Real Property: Real estate such Read more…
Administrator: (1) A person appointed by the court to handle the assets and liabilities of a decedent, typically when the deceased died without a will (interstate). (2) The official or Read more…
Since before ‘ politician” was a word they have been trying to get away with anything that they can. From this pattern we get the word Demagogue, whereby a politician Read more…
We have all learned about separation of State and Church, the three arms of government and it’s safeguard , the Fourth Power. In theory this is beautiful and solid. At Read more…
We are honored to unveil the presidential painting of our beloved President Obama. Seldom had such wisdom and humility sat in one chair and we welcome his image like we Read more…
Adjustment Bond: See Income Bond; Income Bond: A corporate debt issue that pays interest only when, and if, the company has income. Also called an adjustment bond. Note: Corporate meaning Read more…